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Что привлекло большее внимание в этом году.

Most Used Feature

Awarded to the feature with the highest proportion of users.
Filter effects have been around for a while, and they are still as useful as ever!

Призовые места

2. :has(): 72.8%

Least Used Feature

Awarded to the feature with the lowest proportion of users.
hanging-punctuation wins the prize for being the most unknown CSS feature!

Призовые места

2. forced-colors: 1.7%
3. view-timeline: 2.3%

Most Loved Feature

Awarded to the feature with the highest proportion of positive opinions.
With 51.5%% of respondents having a positive impression of Subgrid, it takes the top spot in our rankings.

Призовые места

2. :has(): 46.9%
3. aspect-ratio: 46.8%

Самая комментируемая возможность

Награждается, как возможность с наибольшим количеством комментариев.
Subgrid got over 331 comments, in part because it appeared early on in the survey, but also because it's definitely a praise-worthy feature!

Призовые места

2. line-clamp: 100