Что привлекло большее внимание в этом году.
Most Used Feature
Awarded to the feature with the highest proportion of users.
Filter effects have been around for a while, and they are still as useful as ever!
Least Used Feature
Awarded to the feature with the lowest proportion of users.
wins the prize for being the most unknown CSS feature!Most Loved Feature
Awarded to the feature with the highest proportion of positive opinions.
With 51.5%% of respondents having a positive impression of Subgrid, it takes the top spot in our rankings.
Самая комментируемая возможность
Награждается, как возможность с наибольшим количеством комментариев.
Subgrid got over 331 comments, in part because it appeared early on in the survey, but also because it's definitely a praise-worthy feature!