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Ahmad Shadeed

Ahmad Shadeed

Design Engineer and author of Debugging CSS

Over the past two years, CSS has evolved so much that keeping up with all the new features feels like a full-time job. This means there are many topics and ideas to explore and experiment with.

For example, after being requested for years CSS :has() turned out to be one of the most powerful additions to CSS and significantly reduced the need for JavaScript. To me, it’s comparable to the transition from using CSS floats to Flexbox, which allowed us to create nearly any layout we could imagine.

CSS container size and style queries are also game-changers for building components that need to work in different contexts. Currently, only size container queries have full support across all major browsers, though their adoption remains limited.

Looking ahead to 2025, I hope to see wider usage of size container queries, full browser support for scroll-driven animations, style queries, and anchor positioning. What more could we ask for?